Saturday 22 November 2014

First Post Ramblings


Welcome to my blog!

 First blogposts are never ground breaking or exciting, so an introduction is definitely in order.

My name is Lady of Brisvegas - I love nothing more than a good strong cup of  tea (must be Earl Grey).

As the blog title suggests I live in Brisbane and think it the best city ever! Although I do love to explore Australia and the wider world.

Lord of Brisvegas is my partner in crime and we are tied the knot in September 2014

So if I am lucky enough to get any readers/followers, you will be able to follow my journey through everyday life and my adventures as a newly married women.

Lord of Brisvegas  and I have also recently purchased a house together and that will be a journey on itself to start the renovation process together.

Anyhoo, enough of my rambles.

Farewell for now

Lady of Brisvegas xx

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